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Icannot belive it myself but it's has been ten years when I launched my web site with my name ThomasKoetzing.de! Two years before I still had my site CITRIX4GE running and was reffering to my Citrix forum account "Citrix for Germany".

2006 was quite a year for me! Beside opening up my new site, I was also annaounced Microsoft Most Valubale Professional - RDS and Citrix Technology Professional and actually a founding member of the CTP program.  As if the awards where not enough, it was also the time I went independed and is a huge step for everyone to get "on your own" to make money for a living.

When you start working on your own you don't really know what happens next but was one of my best desicions. First Job, a really awesome start, was to present for the norwegan Citrix user group. They invited me to present during a ferry trip from Norway to Germany and back! I took the chance and went skiing right afterwards in the Oslo area :-)

This has been a long time ago and therefore time for a new web design and domain. The domain because I want it somehow more clear that I'm a freelance and do IT consulting. I get now and then emails asking me if I would do consulting. One time I asked what he was thinking I would do. The answer I got was: "I run a Pokemon web site and what I think he would do for a living?". Pokemon = Citrix? Ok I also didn't get that.

At this point I like to thank my friend from Switzerland Andreas Brauckmann! He had the lead for the design and creating the site. Thanks also to Andreas family for the great time I had during the foto shooting in Switzerland, something I will not forget - any time again :-)

Thanks to Tanja Arnold for the pictures she took of me. I highly recommend Tanja a real pro with a lot of fun http://artlinefotografie.ch. Big thanks to Tanja

Thanks to you ALL for visiting my web site for more than 10 years! Thanks to all sponsors supporting my site and make it possible for me to take the time.


Hope you like the new site and content


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