Printer can be mapped within a Citrix session in different ways. Next to Microsoft group policies, scripts, tools, you can also use Citrix Workspace Environment Manager (WEM) to map defined printers to end devices. A similar option exists within Citrix Studio, but here is a short explanation on how to use the Use Device Mapping Printers File with WEM.
What is the main purpose of the Use Device Mapping Printers file? In the xml file you define a set of printers to end devices and with one default printer. Unfortunately, Citrix doesn't offer a tool to create the xml file and must be created manually. The exact format of the file is explained in the following Citrix article xml-printer-list-configuration.
When you read through the article, you might notice one point and is the IdSite and means the in use configuration set. That doesn't help because you cannot find the IdSite anywhere in the WEM console! OK, get a hammer and find the IdSite within the WEM SQL database, where you look for the table dbo.VUEMSites. Here you will find all IdSite.
If you don't want to search the database, then you can use the WEM PowerShell SDK. On the WEM infrastructure server, execute the following Powershell command: Get-UserAdObject -InfrastructureServer localhost -SiteName "Configuration Set"
All user AD objects will be listed together with the IdSite the object belongs too.
Citrix should supply a small utility (best integrated in the console) to read the IdSite and create Use Device Mapping Printers file. Then many more customers might use that helpful feature.